Requirements for technical preparation 2018-06-25T14:42:25+00:00

1. Working language is English. The papers must be printed in English. The text shall be ready for printing without to be additionally edited.

2. The full text of the paper must not exceed 10 pages A4 (210×297 mm), incl. illustrations.

3. The papers must be prepared on WORD 2003 or upper versions on A4 pages, single spaced, with the following page margins: top – 20mm, bottom – 25mm, left – 20mm, right – 20mm. Use Times New Roman font, 12pt. Do not number pages.

4. The title of the paper must be in capital letters (Center, Times New Roman 14pt, Bold).

5. Author(s) names, titles and the name of institution and country must be just to the paper’s title bellow (Center, Times New Roman 12pt, Bold, 1,5 spaced. Co-authors and collectives must be arranged the author below.

6. The paper text must start after a free row. All papers start with an abstract of 200 words or less. The font size must be Times New Roman 10, distance between rows – single-space. Between the abstract and key words it must not stay a distance.

7. The basic paper text must be on Times New Roman 12pt, Justified, First line – 12,5mm. The distance between rows single-space.

8. The paper text must be structured in three basic sections: introduction, expose and conclusions. Every separate section must have a empty row indentation from the previous text. The separate sections inside the authors can put additional subsections. The subtitles must be bolt and numbered: 1, 1.1., 1.2.1. etc.
The paper must contain abstract, keywords, expose, conclusions, and references. Each part must be separated form the upper text by a three row. In each of these parts authors may put their own headings.

9. The literary source must be mentioned in square brackets.

10. The tables and figures must be published in the basic text and numbered consecutively. The numbers of figures and explanations must stay under them in Times New Roman 10pt,  and the numbers and titles of tables – above them in Times New Roman 10.

11. The references must be in alphabetical order:
1. Grubler, Arnulf (2003). Technology and Global Change. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0521543320. p. 33.
First the references in Cyrillic alphabet is listed and then – in Roman alphabet.

12. After the list of used references it is necessary to give an address for correspondence, telephone, fax, e-mail.

13. Do not number pages. The number of pages must be marked on the back of pages written in pencil on 1 printed copy.

14. One printed copy of paper must be sent to the Organization committee of the conference, as well as a media file source (CD or DVD) with full paper text. The media source must be labeled with the paper title and the name(s) of author(s). The file containing the paper text, in accordance with the technical requirements, can also be sent to the following e-mail address:, and the accompanying e-message must indicate the above mentioned information. Sending only a printed version of the paper is not allowed.
Pay attention: The organizing committee reserves the right not to accept papers for publication if they do not correspond with the technical requirements described above.