Criteria for publication 2018-06-25T14:42:44+00:00

1. Articles should not exceed 6 standard pages, including visual material.

2. The text should be typed in justify mode on both side s of the paper (A4), Font: Times New Roman 14-point s without framing, Word or Page Maker 6,5 included lower version. The margins of each page should be: left – 20 mm, right – 20mm, top – 20mm, bottom – 25 mm.

3. The front page setup should follow the presented model.

4. Bibliographical reference within the text should be given by numbers in square brackets

[ ], and the numbers of the formulae – by numbers in brackets ( ) to the left of the formulae.

5. The numbers of the pages should be written with a pencil in the bottom left corner of the page.

The conference organizing body reserves the right not to publish articles which do not meet the requirements.