Period of Education: 2 semesters (1 year)
Form of Education: Full-time
Program Coordinator: LCDR. Eng. Veselin Atanasov, senior asst. Prof., PhD (OF-3)
The fast growth of the space industry in the space private sector in recent years creates new opportunities for an accelerated development of space sector in Bulgaria. Significant step is also to future accession of Bulgaria within the European Space Agency (ESA) and the creation of a National Space Agency (NSA). There is an ever-growing need for space talents in engineering and tech in EU. Companies are constantly looking to trained professionals in the field of space engineering and technology, but still in Bulgaria the number of such young specialists is insignificant and therefore the development space start-up and scale-ups is greatly limited.
As part of their studies, graduates of the Space Engineering and Technology Master of Science (MSc) Program will gain knowledge in the use of space-based systems, their engineering and operations. Furthermore the students will study space systems engineering, orbital mechanics, space mission design and analysis, spacecraft design and manufacture, spacecraft propulsion, space navigation, mission control operations, as well as specific payloads (sensors) and their applications in space missions. Satellite systems are unthinkable without the primary communication systems, and therefore an essential part of the program involves the acquisition engineering knowledge of basic space communications, networks and equipment. Issues in integrated circuit engineering, microwave engineering and space systems engineering. All of the above forms the necessary set of knowledge in this Master of Science’s education and would enable the graduate students to find immediate realization within the US space sector. The Master of Space Engineering and Technology (SET) graduates will gain an interdisciplinary and practice-oriented engineering know-how on spacecraft and space applications. Their training will make them competitive and boost their chance for a good professional realization.
The curriculum of the Master of Space Engineering and Technology contains wide variety of expertise areas. The structure of the program includes 12 compulsory disciplines covering the basic required knowledge in the space field, as well as a significant range of course workshops, projects, hands-on activities and internships.
The full term of study in the Master of Space Engineering and Technology Master of Science Program is 1 year or 2 semesters with a total volume of 578 academic hours, for which a total of 75 ECTS are to be obtained. The teaching staff has the required experience to successfully execute the curriculum, including presenting the latest tech trends and engineering practices. The lecture courses are backed by appropriate materials and workshops for each course. The training is based on a mixed physics-engineering approach, with a strong emphasis on both practical and independent work in all disciplines.
The program accepts students with Bachelor degrees in science and engineering from the following fields of study: engineering physics, technical electrodynamics and electronics, computer science, networks, communications, communication and information technology, optics, space engineering, space science, aviation technology, etc. The program is only in full-time form of study. Students are admitted to study through a competitive exam. The form of state examination is the defense of a Master’s thesis before a state examination committee.
Graduates (students) of the Master of Space Engineering and Technology Program are expected to have good understanding and practical knowledge in design, creation, assembly, equipment and maintenance of spacecraft and their communication equipment. In addition, graduates of this program are expected to obtain both a general and a specific view (acquired within the specialized disciplines, hands-on activities and defended Master thesis) of the space applications and services, as well as the ability to research and develop new applications.
The students in the Master in Space Engineering and Technology program are expected to understand also the associated risks and requirements of the space industry. They will be educated about the legal and socio-economic aspects of space missions and their impact. Other areas included in the risks and requirements are the wireless and satellite communication networks and their impact on the Planet and on society.
The principles underlying the Master of Space Engineering and Technology Program, are: interdisciplinary, practical-oriented learning, trainings within mixed teams of university professors and space sector experts. Taking into account the specific requirements of the fats growing space sector and the new requirements of the communication sector, the program will provide graduates with competitive prospects for their own realization within the EU and the global space sector.
The development needs of the Bulgarian space companies and the shortage of highly qualified personnel in both space engineering and communications in the country, provides the rare opportunity for the graduates to find successful careers and professional realization.
The prospects for realization of graduates of the MSc Program abroad are also promising. The European space industry needs thousands of new professionals. The space sector imposes high challenges and stimulates the development of new technologies with immediate applications in other sector of the economy. The benefits of space activities are mainly manifested outside the space sector and have impact on both individual and societal level.
- Creation of new data services and applications based on data generated in orbit;
- Spin-in of space technologies for non-space applications.
The graduates from the Master of Space Engineering and Technology can work as: space professionals and entrepreneurs in the space sector, specialists in the Communications Regulatory Commission creating, implementing and overseeing the implementation of communications standards in various fields, and especially for aerospace applications. They may work as communication specialists in telecommunications companies or other organizations. They can work in management positions at deep tech companies and state institutions related to aerospace, communication and information technologies. They can work as researchers or teachers in scientific institutes and higher education institutions.
The entrance exam for the MSc program “Space Engineering and Technology” will be based on problems from the following topics in Engineering, Physics and Mathematics.
1. Single-variable and multi-variable calculus: Derivative and integration of single and multi-variable functions. Finding extrema of single and multi-variable functions. Line, surface and volume integration.
2. Linear Algebra and Analytical Geometry: Vector manipulation in arbitrary dimensions, matrix properties, multiplication and their use for coordinate
transformations. Eigenvectors and eigenvalues decomposition.
3. Vector analysis: Differential operators: gradient, curl and divergence, interpretation and use. Integration of vector fields and use of Gauss’ and Stokes’ theorems.
4. Complex numbers: Algebraic operations (addition, multiplication, division), polar representation and interpretation, integration in the complex plane.
5. Fourier Analysis: Fourier series (with real or complex representation). Interpretation and application of the spectrum representation. Fourier transformation and convolution.
6. Statistics and probability: Probability density function (PDF), mean, variance, standard deviation and how those are computed for a given PDF. Basic combinatorics and well-known distributions such as Binomial, Poisson, Gaussian.
7. Introductory Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs): Degrees of freedom, order and degree of equations and systems of equations. First and second order linear ODEs initial value problems, forced Harmonic oscillator.
8. Classical Mechanics: Principles of classical mechanics, kinetic and potential energy formulation, momentum, angular momentum, conservation laws and forces.
9. Introductory Thermodynamics: Ideal gas law, concept of thermodynamic equilibrium, thermodynamics laws, temperature and entropy. Conduction and radiative emission elementary description.
10.Electrostatics: Coloumb’s law, force and potential of electric fields, energy stored in electrostatic configurations, capacitance and RC circuits.
11.Magnetostatics: Faraday’s law, energy stored in constant magnetic field configurations, inductance and RL circuits.
12.Electrodynamics: Lorenz force and particle motion in electromagnetic fields. Electromagnetic waves in isotropic media, plane wave description and characteristics.
13.Electric Circuits: Kirchoff’s law, RCL circuits analysis and characteristic quantities. Application to basic passive circuits such as voltage dividers and passive filters.
14.Semiconductors: Diodes types, usage and characteristics. Bipolar transistors operational principles and characteristics. FET transistors types, parameters and characteristics. Integrated Circuit (IC) basic understanding.
15.Operational amplifiers: Usage, symbols and nodes. Positive and negative feedback. OpAmp circuit diagrams. Key parameters and typical characteristics. Inverting and non-inverting amplifier schematics and operation.