Period of Education: 2 semesters (1 year)

Form of Education: Full-time

Program Coordinator: LCDR. Eng. Veselin Atanasov, senior asst. Prof., PhD (OF-3)


The fast growth of the space industry in the space private sector in recent years creates new opportunities for an accelerated development of space sector in Bulgaria. Significant step is also to future accession of Bulgaria within the European Space Agency (ESA) and the creation of a National Space Agency (NSA). There is an ever-growing need for space talents in engineering and tech in EU. Companies are constantly looking to trained professionals in the field of space engineering and technology, but still in Bulgaria the number of such young specialists is insignificant and therefore the development space start-up and scale-ups is greatly limited.

As part of their studies, graduates of the Space Engineering and Technology Master of Science (MSc) Program will gain knowledge in the use of space-based systems, their engineering and operations. Furthermore the students will  study space systems engineering, orbital mechanics, space mission design and analysis, spacecraft design and manufacture, spacecraft propulsion, space navigation, mission control operations, as well as specific payloads (sensors) and their applications in space missions. Satellite systems are unthinkable without the primary communication systems, and therefore an essential part of the program involves the acquisition engineering knowledge of basic space communications, networks and equipment. Issues in integrated circuit engineering, microwave engineering and space systems engineering. All of the above forms the necessary set of knowledge in this Master of Science’s education and would enable the graduate students to find immediate realization within the US space sector. The Master of Space Engineering and Technology (SET) graduates will gain an interdisciplinary and practice-oriented engineering know-how on spacecraft and space applications. Their training will make them competitive and boost their chance for a good professional realization.