Electro-technical officer (ETO), IMO Model course 7.08
Electro-technical officer (ETO), IMO Model course 7.08
The course defines the subject area and the scope of the training required under article 37 par.7 “d” of Ordinance No 6. The trainees who have successfully completed this course shall possess the knowledge and skills specified in Chapter III, Section A-III/6 of the Code to International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watch-keeping for Seafarers(STCW) that are required in order to perform the duties of an electro-technical officer on board ships and IMO model course 7.08.
Course requirements:
The course is designed to provide further theoretical and practical training as follows:
– To holders of Master’s or Bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering specialties other than “Ship’s Electrical Equipment”
– To individuals who have sea service of not less than 12 months before 01.01.2012 in a capacity involving maintenance and operation of ship’s electrical equipment on board ships powered with main propulsion of 750 kW or more.
– To holders of certificate of competence “Electro-technical rating”, “Electro-technical officer” serving on a sea-going ship with PMS of 750 KVA or less, or “Electro-technical officer” serving on a sea-going ship with main propulsion of 750 kW or less.
Requirements to participants:
Trainees are required to have completed third level of professional education and qualification in other than “Ship’s Electrical Equipment” or to have a Master’s or Bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering specialties other than “Ship’s Electrical Equipment” or to hold a certificate of competence for “Electro-technical rating”, “Electro-technical officer” serving on a sea-going ship with PMS of 750 KVA or less, or “Electro-technical officer” serving on a sea-going ship with main propulsion of 750 kW or less.
The individuals that can be exempted under § 19.1 of the transitional and final provisions of Ordinance 6 (having a sea-going service of not less than 12 months before 01.01.2012 in a capacity related to the operation and maintenance of ship electrical equipment on ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 750 kW or more) shall submit a certificate of course attendance issued by EA Maritime Administration to confirm on board experience.
Before the beginning of the course, the training institution shall verify each candidate if he/she is eligible to attend the course and if not, he/she will not be enrolled.
Course manager: assoc. prof. PhD Emil Barudov
Information and enrolment