Welcome to the Faculty of Navigation
The Navigation Faculty is a basic unit in the structure of N. Vaptsarov Naval Academy. It was established on 01.11.1999, in accordance with the reform of the military education system and the requirements of the Higher Education Act. Until that date, the structure of the Naval Academy did not include faculties (except for a few years after 1976), and the departments were directly subordinated to the Deputy Head on education and research activities in the school.
The Navigation Faculty consists of seven departments:
- Naval Tactics headed by Captain Assoc. Prof. Ph.D. Valentin Vasilev
- Navigation headed by Prof. Ph.D. Master Mariner Blagovest Belev
- Exploitation Fleet and Ports headed by Prof. Ph.D. Dimitar Dimitrakiev
- Language training and applied linguistics headed by Assoc. Prof. Ph.D. Petina Vicheva
- National security headed by Assoc.Prof. D.Sc. Siana Lyutskanova
The Dean of the faculty is Capt. (N) Assoc. Prof. Ph.D. Nedko Dimitrov and the Vice-dean is Prof. D.Sc. Valeri Stoianov, scientific secretary Capt. (N) (r) Assoc. Prof. Ph.D. Ivo Yotsov.
The specialties in which training is conducted in the faculty are: for cadets – Navigation for the Navy and Naval Communications; for Students: Navigation, Administration and management, Exploitation Fleet and Ports, Logistic, Ship Electronics and Information and Communication Technologies in the Maritime Industry.