About us – NVNA ,,N.Y.Vaptsarov”

The Naval Academy “N. Y. Vaptsarov” is the oldest technical educational institution in the Republic of Bulgaria, and its history and current activities establish it as the most authoritative center for training maritime personnel.

The traditions in Bulgarian maritime education date back to 1881, when the Maritime School was opened – the first technical educational institution in Bulgaria for training train drivers and firemen.

Since 3.12.1904 it has been the Fleet Mechanical School – a secondary technical school for training mechanics for the military and civil navy, state railways, aviation, etc.

In 1942 it was transformed into His Majesty’s Naval School, with a six-year high school and higher course of study: in the Higher Navigation Department specialists with higher special maritime education were trained, and in the Higher Technical Department (since 1943) – personnel with higher special maritime technical education.

In 1949, the successor of the Bulgarian maritime educational tradition became the People’s Naval School “Nikola Yonkov Vaptsarov”, and since 1956 it has been given the status of a higher engineering maritime educational institution and its name is the Higher People’s Naval School “N. Y. Vaptsarov”.

Since 1991, the name of the educational institution has been Higher Naval School “N. Y. Vaptsarov”.

At present, Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy has the necessary facilities, including unique simulators, and highly qualified teachers to ensure the training of officers for the Navy and civil navigation and for personnel with higher education for the maritime industry.

Its curricula and programs have been developed in accordance with all international requirements.