Project OS-349 2019-01-10T20:53:19+00:00

I will give you a website to rule the world…..
Lysander of Sparta, Vth century BC
(Chief editor periphrased)

Welcome to the applied research project entitled:

Optimising the dynamic website of Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy as exploration, education and publication tool

Project aim: to optimise and to update the content of the existing academic institution website of Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy.
Project location: Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy.
Project duration
: 1 January – 31 December 2018
1. Study and implement the study results in the update of the general part of the site, covering the sections: News, Important Documents, Education, Research.
2. Study and implement the study results in the update of the general part of the sites of the main subdivisions of the Naval Academy: the Faculty of Navigation, the Faculty of Engineering, the Department of Postgraduate Studies, NCO College;
3. Study and implement the study results in the update of the sites of the departments at the Naval Academy;
4. Conduct a refresher course for Webmaster – level 1 training course to prepare the personnel from the PR unit and the webmaster interns of the project;
5. Check for any pages with outdated or missing information, as well as for any errors with the hyperlinks on the webpages

Project participants


  1. Associate Professor Doctor Asen Nikolov Kozhuharov – project leader and editor-in-chief.
  2. Assistant Professor Doctor Yordan Atanasov Sivkov – webometric analyst of the site of the Registrar and the Faculty of Navigation.
  3. PhD Student Plamen Venelinov Branyakov – webometric analyst of the site of the Faculty of Navigation and the Department of Postgraduate Studies.
  4. Doctor Vanya Koleva Koleva – proofreader of the texts in Bulgarian language.
  5. Senior Lecturer Kiril Lyubomirov Hadzhiev – translator and proofreader of the texts in English language.
  6. Veselin Nikolov Chakarov – artist for the website
  7. Student Lina Miroslavova Hristova – intern webmaster.
  8. Student Simeon Anatoliev Mihov – intern webmaster

Activities of the project participants and timetable for the completion of its objectives


(project duration: 01/1/-31/12/2018)

Duration in months

1-2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1. Study the contents of the existing site.
2. Justify of the contents of the texts for the site sections for Naval Academy projects
3. Conduct a refresher course for the system users
4. Purchase and install a DV SSL certificate
5. Check for broken hyperlinks
6. Justify the update of the general part of the sites of the main subdivisions.
7. Justify the update of the general view of the sites of the Naval Academy departments and prepare 10 separate logos.
8. Update the annotations of the curricula in the Disciplines section.
9. Update the personal pages of the Naval Academy teaching staff.
10. Check the overall contents of the site and the links between its separate subsections.
11. Edit the overall contents of the texts in Bulgarian and English on the site
12. Report the project results
1 Jan 2018 – Successful start of Project OS – 349/2018.

1 Jan 2018 – The Project ОS – 349/2018 team wishes everybody: Happy New Year, good health, and good luck!